Sexting and Teen : How to guide them? – Sexto et Ados : Comment les encadrer?


This conference will help parents gain a deeper understanding of sexting and its impacts, as well as feel better equipped to guide their teens. The conference will differentiate between a number of components involved in sexting, provide positive parenting strategies through real-life situations, as well as identify solutions to prevent negative impacts. When? February 21, […]


Wainwright : Session d’information – Wainwright : Information session


L'exercice à Wainwright arrive à grand pas. Vous aimeriez être bien préparé et informé. Session d'information en virtuel sur Teams. 28 février | 19 h 30 à 20 h 45 2 mars | 19 h 30 à 20 h 45 15 mars | MIDI à 13 h 15 Inscription : INFORMATION 418 844-6060 […]


Triple P Conferences – Conférences Triple P


Positive Parenting Program Because kids don't come with an instruction manual... Parents sometimes need a helping hand. A series of three conferences to improve your relationship with your child and discover simple and concrete tips that will increase your pleasure as a parent! When? March 2nd, march16th and march 30, from 7:00 pm to 8:45 […]


Célébrons la Saint-Patrick ensemble – Let’s celebrate Saint-Patrick’s Day together

Centre de ressources pour les familles militaires Valcartier Édifice 93 C.P. 1000, Succursale Forces, Courcelette, Québec, Canada

BIENVENUE À TOUS! Bingo Souper irlandais Ambiance festive! Quand? 17 mars, à 18h. Où? Au Centre communautaire (Édifice 93). Coût? 8$ par personne. *(gratuit pour les enfants de moins d’un an) Mocktails en vente sur place. *(Argent comptant seulement) Inscription avant le 13 mars : INFORMATION Chantal Thompson ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EVERYONE IS WELCOME! Bingo Irish […]


Dealing with the extra load during Wainwright

Centre de ressources pour les familles militaires Valcartier Édifice 93 C.P. 1000, Succursale Forces, Courcelette, Québec, Canada

Your spouse leaves for Wainwright this spring and you are wondering how you will deal with the extra mental load and family responsabilities while he/she is away? We're offering two workshops specifically tailored for this upcoming exercise. *Workshops offered in French only Don't hesitate to contact us if you are more comfortable in English, one […]



3 MYTHS TO DEBUNK  FOR VETERANS REGARDING EMPLOYMENT “ I will make less money if I work ” “ I am disabled for the army, therefore disabled For the job market ” " My military skills do not transfer to the civilian world " FREE March 30 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm At the Community […]

Triple P Conferences – Conférences Triple P


Positive Parenting Program Because kids don't come with an instruction manual... Parents sometimes need a helping hand. A series of three conferences to improve your relationship with your child and discover simple and concrete tips that will increase your pleasure as a parent! When? March 2nd, march16th and march 30, from 7:00 pm to 8:45 […]



Centre de ressources pour les familles militaires Valcartier Édifice 93 C.P. 1000, Succursale Forces, Courcelette, Québec, Canada

COFFEE GET-TOGETHER The Veterans committee invites you for coffee and a chat at the Paillard Bakery You are more than welcome to join us with your spouse, we will be happy to meet with you. When? March 31, from 9 am to 11am. Where? 4141 Blvd de l'Auvergne, Quebec (QC), G2C 2B6 Cost? Everyone pays for their own meal. Mandatory registration […]

Cours prénataux en ligne – Virtual prenatal courses


Le CRFMV vous présente une série de 4 cours prénataux en ligne spécialement conçus pour accompagner les futurs parents à travers leurs questionnements sur la grossesse et les premières semaines avec bébé. Chaque rencontre sera animée par une infirmière clinicienne et certaines rencontres seront coanimées par un intervenant du CRFMV et aura comme objectif d’intégrer […]


Learn gardening – Apprends à jardiner

Centre de ressources pour les familles militaires Valcartier Édifice 93 C.P. 1000, Succursale Forces, Courcelette, Québec, Canada

Planification d'un jardin & préparation de semis! Cette année, on part nos semis et on planifie notre jardin ensemble. Viens échanger et partager tes connaissances sur le jardinage. De plus, profite de précieux conseils de nos pros qui seront là pour répondre à toutes vos questions. Plantation d’un semi. Quand? Mardi 11 avril, à 18h30. […]
