Board of Directors

One of the VMFRC’s success is its board of directors. Responsible for the health and sustainability of the organization, it relies on policies and regulations to carry out the mission of the MFRC and makes a clear distinction between governance and operational.

The Board of Directors of the Valcartier Military Family Resource Centre is looking for candidates from the military community:

*Civilian spouses of full-time members of the Canadian Forces
*Civilian parents of full-time members of the Canadian Forces
*Civilian adult children of full-time members of the Canadian Forces

Information 418 844-6060

Members of the Board of Directors

Julie Grandmaison

Julie Grandmaison

Chair of the Board, spouse and military

Ms. Grandmaison is a military member and military spouse. His strong board experience and leadership contribute to the implementation of the VMFRC’s projects.

Valérie Bouillaut

Valérie Bouillaut

Vice-Chair, civilian

Ms. Bouillaut has experience and skills in administration and management. General Manager in the retail business for nearly 30 years, she has been a Certified Professional Coach, Certified Corporate Trainer and Entrepreneur Mentor for over 3 years.



Joannie Marcoux

Joannie Marcoux

Treasurer, military spouse

Joanie Marcoux is a military spouse and runs an accounting firm in Quebec City. She holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting and finance and is studying for a master’s degree in taxation at the Université de Sherbrooke. A VMFRC volunteer for 9 years, her passion for numbers and finance is an asset when it comes to sitting on the Board of Directors.

Jeanne Nivischiuk

Jeanne Nivischiuk

Administrator, military spouse

Ms. Nivischiuk is a military spouse and is the Executive Director of the Regional Association of West Quebecers. She also has a military background. She has administrative expertise and is certainly a great asset to the Board of Directors. Ms. Nivischiuk has been involved in many of the Centre’s activities in the past and appreciates the Centre’s role in supporting the military community.

Marlène Daudelin-Trudeau

Marlène Daudelin-Trudeau

Administratror, military spouse

Marlène Daudelin-Trudeau, military spouse. She has been working in the healthcare field for 15 years. A volunteer with the MFRC, she enjoys getting involved in the community.

Sylvie Savard

Sylvie Savard

Administrator, military spouse

Mrs. Savard is a military spouse and holds a position in the National Defence as assistant to the commander of the 5th Service Battalion. She was also an infantrywoman and cook in the reserve force for 6 years, which is an asset in understanding the environment. She has been actively involved for many years in various committees in her workplace and wishes to contribute to the well-being of military families.

Claudia Morin

Claudia Morin

Administrator, military spouse

She holds a multidisciplinary bachelor’s degree in social sciences and works as a data analyst for the Department of Employment and Social Development Canada. She volunteers with several organizations and aims to raise awareness of the center for military families living outside the base area. Aware of the importance of a support network during periods of absence, she is committed to helping the military community.

Stéphanie Vachon

Stéphanie Vachon

Administrator, military

Military meteorological technician for the past 8 years, Ms. Vachon often volunteers for various organizations that are close to her heart. She recognizes herself in the values the VMFRC promotes.

Nathalie Vallée

Nathalie Vallée

Administrator, civilian and veteran spouse

Madame Vallée est Vice-présidente – Communications corporatives chez Paradigme Stratégies. Forte d’un savoir-faire de plus de 20 ans en relations publiques et en communications institutionnelles, elle détient une profonde compréhension du paysage médiatique. Elle a aussi développé une connaissance fine de l’appareil gouvernemental et du développement régional.

Amélie Robin

Amélie Robin

Administrator, military spouse

Ms. Robin is a specialized educator. It’s a wonderful profession that she’s been practicing for over 15 years. People’s health and well-being has always been very important to her. Her family has been part of the military community for 13 years. She wants to get involved on the Board of Directors to offer the best of herself. She is a good listener, with integrity and honesty, and believes she can make a difference in the community.

Ex-officio members of the Board

Lieutenant-colonel Sylvain, CD

Lieutenant-colonel Sylvain, CD

Representative of the Personnel Services, 2 Cdn Div SG

He joined the Canadian Armed Forces in 1997 and became an infantry officer with the Royal 22e Régiment. He completed two deployments to Afghanistan.

He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, a graduate diploma in Business Administration and a Master’s degree in War Studies with the United States Marine Corps University, Quantico, Virginia. He is the current Commander of Personnel Services.

Lieutenant-colonel Brassard, CD

Lieutenant-colonel Brassard, CD

Representative of the 35 CBG

His career with the Primary Reserve began in May 1989, when he joined the Régiment du Saguenay as an infanteer. He holds an MBA from the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, and is currently Deputy Commander of the 35 Canadian Brigade Group.

In civilian life, he works as a local services procurement specialist for Rio Tinto.

Major Lacombe

Representative from the 5 CMBG

Chaplain Alain Brosseau

Representative of the Chaplaincy

Valcartier Military Family Resource Centre

Lisa Kennedy

Lisa Kennedy

Executive Director (interim)

Ms. Kennedy has accumulated over 25 years of management experience in the municipal, federal, private and not-for-profit sectors, most recently as General Manager of the City of Neuville and also as Director of the Corporation de l’employabilité et du développement économique communautaire (CEDEC), among others. She has volunteered extensively for various causes close to her heart, and now brings her energy and caring leadership to the Centre.