Psychosocial Services

A team of mental health professionals familiar with the particularities of military life offers free and confidential psychosocial services to support you and accompany you during difficult times. Our team is there to support you in your various life challenges. We offer: information, occasional support, follow-up counselling services, support groups and preventive activities.

OSI group for teens

Having a parent whith an OSI is not always easy. Come chat with other teenagers who just like you want to better understand and learn coping strategies to help with everyday life.

Information and registration:
418 844-6060


Healthy Communication Workshop

We will talk about best practices for communication and conflict resolution.

Information and registration:
418 844-5000 ext. 4677

Togehter to Better understand (E=MC3)

Group for children aged 7 to 11 years old who have a parent living with an Operational Stress Injury (OSI).

  • Better understanding the operational stress injury
  • Emotions (recognizing them and being able to talk about them)
  • Communication
  • Discover the resources available: for yourself, your family, and your network

Information: Véronique Morin
418 844-6060

A.P.S. Group: After Parental Separation

Group for children who have experienced the separation of their parents (recent or not), aiming at helping children better understand and express their feelings related to the separation, as well as promote the development of communication and problem solving skills.


Information: Véronique Morin
418 844-6060


New resource available  thanks to the True Patriot Love Foundation’s 2020 Bell TPL Fund. 

MindBecon is a digital Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, designed to effectively help people struggling with symptoms of depression, anxiety, panic disorder, and sleep problems. This clinically-proven approach, guided by a therapist, helps people become more resilient to life’s many challenges.   



  • Home and needs assessment (phone or in person)
  • Individual, marital, parental or family follow-up meetings;
  • Special care counsellor (parental support and special needs)
  • Reference and docking with external resources (if necessary);
  • Teleconsultation

Adult Support Groups


Preventive workshops

  • Triple P: Positive parenting practices (French only)
  • Healthy communications 

Psycho-educational group for children and adolescents

  • APS : Enfants who have experienced the separation of their parents
  • E-MC3 : Children with a parent living with an Operational Stress Injury (OSI)

Special needs