***In French Only***
Here is the latest episode for our series: Life as a military parent! Episode 4 is all about the little ones and their bedtime routine.
How is bedtime going? Does your child suddenly have loads of sudden needs and desires right before bedtime? Are they experiencing stress because a parent is leaving for deployment? Have you found any solutions?
With solid advice and helpful tools to ensure that the bedtime routine goes well, Mathieu (youth facilitator at VMFRC) and Audrey (special educator at VMFRC) will guide us through this significant period in child development. Could the bedtime routine become an opportunity to strengthen the bonds with our children?
Contact information and references:
The podcast Mathieu spoke of is called “Les p’tites histoires” : https://taleming.com/
Triple P (PPP) meetings given by the Valcartier Military Family Resource Centre 418-844-6060 and program details at https://parentspositifs.ca/
How to help children overcome challenges at bedtime: https://naitreetgrandir.com/fr/