Qu’est-ce qui se cache dans ta tête? – What’s hiding in your mind?

Centre de ressources pour les familles militaires Valcartier Édifice 93 C.P. 1000, Succursale Forces, Courcelette, Québec, Canada

Deux ateliers en lien avec la réalité militaire. Rebecca Picard infirmière finissante au Baccalaureat en Sciences infirmières à l'UQAR. Lieu? Au Centre communautaire (Édifice 93). Santé psychologique et comment en […]


Triple P Conferences – Conférences Triple P


Positive Parenting Program Because kids don't come with an instruction manual... Parents sometimes need a helping hand. A series of three conferences to improve your relationship with your child and […]


Triple P Conferences – Conférences Triple P


Positive Parenting Program Because kids don't come with an instruction manual... Parents sometimes need a helping hand. A series of three conferences to improve your relationship with your child and […]
