Compassion Fatigue

Vous vous questionnez à propos de la fatigue de compassion? Vous souhaitez en apprendre plus sur le sujet? (English will follow) Cet atelier vise à améliorer vos connaissances sur la […]

Positive Parenting Program

Conférences Triple P Parce que les enfants ne viennent pas avec un manuel d’instructions…Les parents ont parfois besoin d’un coup de pouce. Série de trois conférences pour améliorer votre relation […]

A Christmas Morning at the VMFRC

Le 10 décembre de 8 h 30 à 12 h au coût de 20$ par famille. (English will follow) Photo avec le Père-Noël, bricolages, activités de Noël, spectacle de Noël, […]

Christmas Disco

Disco de Noël 5$ par enfant Cantine Chocolat : 1.50$ Breuvages : 1$ Bonbons : 1.50$ Barbe à papa : 1.25$ Pop-corn : 1.25$ Chips : 1$ Inscription en ligne […]

Social Morning in English

Social Morning in English The bilingual committee offers you a casual and non-judgmental place to speak or practice your English while having fun. Hot beverages served on site At the […]

Free Bingo at the Community Centre (Building 93)

The bilingual committee invites you to a bingo activity and offers you a non-judgmental place to speak or practice your English while having fun. With snacks and beverages. Mandatory registration […]

Social Morning in English

Social Morning in English The bilingual committee offers you a casual and non-judgmental place to speak or practice your English while having fun. Hot beverages served on site At the […]

Valentine’s Day disco

$5 per child Canteen Chocolate: $1.50 Drinks: $1 Candy: $1.50 Cotton Candy: $1.25 Popcorn: $1.25 Chips: $1 Slush: $2 Online Mandatory registration: *new registration and payment platform. Fundraising activity […]

Compassion fatigue

You have questions about compassion fatigue? You would like to learn more about it? This workshop will allow you to better understand compassion fatigue and how to prevent it, express […]

Social Morning in English

Social Morning in English The bilingual committee offers you a casual and non-judgmental place to speak or practice your English while having fun. Hot beverages served on site At the […]