Midi discussion – The deployment
Midi discussion – The deployment
From 11h30 to 12h45 INFORMATION Équipe jeunesse 418 844-6060 servicesjeunesse@crfmv.com
From 11h30 to 12h45 INFORMATION Équipe jeunesse 418 844-6060 servicesjeunesse@crfmv.com
INFORMATION Équipe jeunesse 418 844-6060 servicesjeunesse@crfmv.com
INFORMATION Équipe jeunesse 418 844-6060 servicesjeunesse@crfmv.com
At the Community Centre (Building 93). An ideal opportunity to meet new people and discover the services offered by the VMFRC. ∞ Bulbs and seeds will be offered. ∞ Materials provided. Registration before February 20 https://crfmv.info/parle_talk Childcare service available (limited places). Reserve early | 418 844-5000, ext. 3581. Cost $5/hour Information 418 844-6060 Chantal.thompson@crfmv.com Mettre […]