*Podcast available in French only

The employment sector is in turmoil. This is a reality that we are experiencing in Quebec and elsewhere in the world. We are currently observing historic changes, particularly in the employee/employer relationship. We are also seeing thousands of people questioning their professional future and wanting to improve their quality of life at work.

Members of the military community, veterans and civilian English speakers are no exception. However, they have more specific needs. Military families often need flexible schedules on those occasions when work-life balance is less obvious. For veterans, there may be a need for support to remain employed or to transfer their skills to civilian work life. For the English-speaking community, the needs are often related to language training, but sometimes also to the context of the Quebec job market.

The Valcartier MFRC offers all the tools to support them in their employment process: workshops, personalized meetings, follow-up for job retention, second language courses.

The VMFRC invites you to a meeting with Cindy Girard-Grenier, Guidance Counsellor at the Centre, where all these aspects will be discussed 😊

Add a string to your bow today by listening to our podcast! Discover all that the Valcartier MFRC employment sector has to offer! We’ll accompany you and walk with you towards success.

Happy listening 😊

Contact info:

Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/CRFMValcartier
FORT Program Facebook page: www.facebook.com/ ProgrammeFORTprogram
Employment and Education Support Officer: Marie-Noëlle Lebreux
418 844-6060

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