***In French Only***

Your baby will soon be here: it’s the start of a wonderful adventure!

How can you prepare to become a military family? What challenges do families face when one of the parents works in the Canadian Armed Forces? After your baby is born, where can you find the support you may need?

With the assistance of Mathieu Bouchard, Childhood and Youth Counsellor at Valcartier MFRC, and Audrey Charland, Special Care Counsellor at Valcartier MFRC, we will answer all of these questions, and,  true to form, fill your tool box with good advice and reading suggestions to help you feel reassured as you welcome your baby.

Information and references:

In the book series “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to….” which explains all manner of situations in a simple, easy-to understand way, there are…you guessed it…books aimed at parents-to-be! You can find these books in all bookstores:

Several tools offered at Valcartier MFRC:

  • Prenatal classes
  • The “Welcome, baby” program